Our Mission & Vision

In the interest of seeing a new Congo emerge and develop. Heart Legacy is created to help achieve this goal, by helping Congolese people become self-reliant and build themselves by exploiting their physical, intellectual and environmental capabilities. Our organization plans a continual evolution of its missions and actions.

The  association is focused :

  • On the protection of vulnerable populations and the promotion of civic values, and to achieve it it sets the following objectives:
  • Fight against social disparities;
  • Provide assistance to disadvantaged social categories and affected populations;
  • Support for vulnerable people;
  • Fight against illiteracy, poverty, anti-values;
  • Promote and encourage the empowerment of women;
  • Reintegration of young unemployed;

Core Values

At HeartLegacy, we abide by strong values that define our mission and guide our actions.


Compassion is at the heart of everything we do, driving us to provide care and support to people in need.


We believe in empowering abandoned children by providing them with opportunities and resources to build a better future.


Creating a sense of community and belonging for abandoned children is key to our approach in making a lasting impact.

Our Structure

The board of directors, which is the analysis, planning and validation body, is made up of:

    Joshua YUKA


  Christelle  NYANA

     Esther YUKA

    Naomi YUKA

   Paola dormekpor

Jobb AEL


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